Benjamin De Cock is a user interface designer and front-end developer. He currently works at Stripe, where he designs the website, develops tools, researches and improves the user experience, does motion design and even tries his hand at 3D. Stripe is an American technology start-up that allows private individuals and businesses to accept payments over the internet, i.e. enabling companies to embed an appropriate payment interface onto their website or mobile app. Prior to Stripe, Benjamin cofounded Kickoff,
a chat and task collaboration app for small teams that was acquired by Stripe. Are you still with us? Benjamin De Cock admits, albeit with a dash of irony, that it was Microsoft FrontPage that led him to design. Joking aside, the ability to produce something and make it instantly available to everyone across the globe has always fascinated him. He also used to teach front-end development and continues to share his passion by giving talks and developing side-projects.

De Cock
Interface designer & Front-end developer at Stripe
Hours and dates
Thursday 3 Nov. at 2:10 pm
The place
Studio - Théâtre
Benjamin De Cock

The conference
A yummy pinch of CSS in your SVG
Vector graphics on the web are now a reality, and they have unleashed a whole new world of possibilities. Scalable Vector Ggraphics (SVG), and particularly the upcoming SVG2 specification, offers powerful and convenient solutions to design creative animations and experiences natively on the web.