How do our taken-for-granted communication channels influence us? The point here not only being about how humans interact with media, but how media interacts with humans. Tensions between public and private, online and offline, techno-lust and everyday life are at the core of Berlin-based artist Aram Bartholl’s work. His public interventions and installations, in which he creates interactions between the Internet, culture and reality, and that often entail surprisingly physical manifestations of the digital world, challenge our concept of reality. Net politics, the DIY movement and the Internet development in general do play an important role in his work. His work has been exhibited at the MoMA in New York as well as London's Hayward Gallery. Last but not least, Aram Bartholl is the instigator of the “Dead Drop” movement, these USB flash drives that are embedded into walls all over the globe, and which are indexed on an interactive map. They act as an invitation to connect oneself in order to download or drop all sorts of files. An anonymous and offline peer-to-peer system, yet one that is very real.

Hours and dates
Friday 4 Nov. at 5:05 pm
The place
Main Room - Théâtre
Aram Bartholl

The conference
Speculative Privacy: Practical and impractical things you can do with your phone
In his conference, Aram Bartholl will present an overview of his art projects dealing with questions of privacy, Internet, private and public space. With a focus on recent works questioning our society of mass smartphone culture, the audience will have the chance to get some practical – and impractical – tips on what to do with their smartphones.