The Akufen saga started ten years ago in a humble Montreal apartment. At the time, its four cofounders explored the world wide web with flash websites. Not only were they taking part in the creation of a "new media", they were also thinking out of the box. Fast-forward a few years, and Akufen went from seven people packed in a "smelly" office to a team of forty talented people. The studio creates interactive experiences, logos, visual identities, websites, interactive documentaries and applications. The studio even has its own dog! The employees christened him Nacho in a bid to grate cheese on its back, should they ever wish to. And it actually happens more often than one would imagine.

Bruno Choinière & Chris Lebel
Hours and dates
Friday 4 Nov. at 3:50 pm
The place
Palais des congrès

The conference
Stories told digitally
Throughout the years, humans have told stories with the tools that were available to them. From word of mouth to the invention of the printer – and today's cutting-edge technology – these tools have never stopped evolving, allowing us to do things differently. Throughout interactive documentary projects, Bruno Choinière, Creative Director, and Chris Lebel, CTO, will explain this evolution of the narrative creative process.
From a linear story to an adaptative content experience, the teller no longer solely controls the narrative. Once the user takes active part in the process, he too is in control.